Friday, January 10, 2014

A (temporary?) return People Who Rock, People Who Suck

With this third restart of THIS blog, I thought I'd probably avoid doing PWR, PWS (a staple feature of earlier iterations and my original, now archived, blog). Here's how I described it then (and yes, I am about to block quote myself. In fact, I'm about to AGAIN):
... back in the day of AIM, my profile was like a pre-blog. I kept up "confidential" messages to friends, posted links I thought people might find interesting, and most importantly, constantly updated two lists that I called (everybody together now) "People Who Rock" and "People Who Suck".

I was super creative.

But teenager (and early 20s) angst and anger aside, it was pretty cathartic. I mean, George Bush was a mainstay of course (on the People Who Suck list, duh. If you need to ask, please step away from the blog), but when I was REALLY pissed off I could CAPITALIZE his name or add LOTS!!!!!! of exclamation points.Also.

People Who Rock was nice, because when someone did something I really liked (like give me presents) they could be recognized! And recognition is always good, right? Even if the present is like, a fruit roll up?
Yum. The thing, it's sort of harder and harder as a less angsty 30 year old to keep up the grievances (and, to be a little sadder, the elated kudos). So few things change week to week that having a PWR, PWS list on Fridays would just be a reblog over and over again. PWR: my friend Rachel and her boyfriend for making sure my packages don't get stolen. PWS: that dude who stole a cab from me two weeks ago. Still fuming.

My point is this: it would be boring, I thought, to keep posting the same list over and over. I had even started to give in to the inanity a few years ago, probably around the time when the governor of my beloved state (NJ, duh) was elected. He got a spot as the number 5 person on the people who suck list, and it read, "Chris Christie. Either until he stops hating on cops and teachers (the very people who you know, MAKE SOCIETY RUN IN A CIVIL WAY), he is number five on the people who suck list. Because he sucks, times five" for about three years before you know, I sort of stopped blogging.

Then yesterday?

The same Governor Christie made. my. day. By being the hypocritical jackass we all know and hate. What a jerk. What a sexist bully. What an idiot for exposing what those of us who have loathed him since his first disgusting shouting down of a TEACHER who he represents AT A TOWN HALL have known, so sillily. So foolishly. So, as Jon Stewart and the Onion said, amateurly. Frankly, it has made my week (though it doesn't hurt that professionally it's been a pretty good week as well).

And so I HAD to bring PWR/PWS back, amiright?!!?!?!?

People Who Rock:
  1. Casablanca for giving all of us the ability to say "I'm shocked, shocked! that there is gambling going on here";
  2. Rachel Maddow for doing some research into #bridgegate that I think is fascinating and should be investigated further;
  3. Jon Stewart for "Lee? Our good friend Lee? Yeah he's gonna be constipated for a long time" and "CorrupTIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON corruption!" and "there is LITERALLY a severed horse's head on our state flag";
  4. Switching lanes slightly (which you wouldn't have been able to do on the GWB earlier this year), Amiri Baraka. You will be sorely missed;
  5. The Homeless Children's Playtime Project and the Hypothermia Hotline. Thanks for doing what you guys do, even amidst polar vortexes. Vortei? Vortices!;
  6. Alaska Airlines. Tillamook cheddar and more leg room? Yes please; and
  7. You guys. Pretty glad to be back. Missed you.
People Who Suck:
  1. David Wildstein. Pleading the fifth? Gross, and good luck with that;
  2. Bridget Anne Kelly. For a few totally petty reasons in addition to the main one, the best of which (of the petty) is that her name has BRIDGE it in. Hilarious, doofus;
  3. People who make cheap NJ jokes without the actual experience behind it. Get funnier, dumbasses;
  4. Jon Corzine. I'm sorry, but without you we would have maybe never been subjected to this crap;
  5. Chris Christie. Either until he stops hating on cops and teachers (the very people who you know, MAKE SOCIETY RUN IN A CIVIL WAY), he is number five on the people who suck list. Because he sucks, times five;
  6. Chris Christie again for his "something's going down tonight but it ain't jobs sweetheart" line from the NH convention; and
  7. Chris Christie once more for being an unsavvy political hack who doesn't deserve to represent the GREATEST of the FIFTY NIFTY UNITED STATES from 13 ORIGINAL colooooooooooooonies (New Jersey, der).
Happy weekend everyone. Happy gleeful, proven-right, NJ ROX weekend.

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